(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

So glad to be done with this...

Wait...there's more...

This is Mary Catherine's Mass Card...a requirement of all the 2nd Graders (both the school attendees and the CCD kids) making their First Holy Communion.

Do you see the mess this card is in?

This card caused me to sin or the "near occasion of sin" (LOL) more times then I care to remember.  Around Advent I figured out a way to keep track of the card and lower everyone's anxiety in the house...but it was eaten several times by the glove box in the minivan!

And Since it's April here in the Heartland, we're trading in these...

for these...

Looking forward to snacking out of these while the older two are at school!



  1. Love the rain boots, Val!!! Can't wait to get to our mudroom and pack away our boots and gloves and scarves and mittens and coats...trade them all in for flip flops!!!

    And enjoy those baskets! Are those Reese peanut butter eggs I spy???

  2. Do you think we are done with the snow?

    Love the boots!

    M :)

  3. Laughed at your phrase...moments of sin...that would have been the Magnifikids in our house. The kids would ask me for them after we were in the van on the way to Mass. Now, I've permanantly parked them in the van.

  4. Awww, love this glimpse into your family and your Easter, too! How sweet!

    (Our Easter baskets are looking quite similar!!LOL Many items are the same!)

    Have a great night, Valerie!


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