A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That
My, oh my, how time gets away from me! I find myself struggling with juggling 3 kiddos (including their afterschool activities), not over-extending myself (by volunteering for every.single.room mother.activity), and functioning on very little sleep.
It’s all good, but I REALLY miss blogging and visiting your blogs on a more regular basis. As a stay-at-home mother (in her 40s!), I find that most of my girlfriends work. Thus, blogging is truly my connection with other grown-ups.
So I decided that if I really want to blog, than I must make it a priority. Starting tomorrow, Oct. 1, I am committing myself to blogging 3 days a week. If I can do more, great. And if I can only do 3, so be it. But at least I will connect regularly a few times a week.
SO…what have we been up to around the Kueter house…
Well…our littlest one turned 2-months old, yesterday. I know, I know, we can’t believe it either! HA! But see for yourself…
He is turning into my chunky monkey and absolutely lights up my life! His 2-month well-baby visit is next week and I can’t wait to find out how long he is and how much he weighs.
Also, in an effort to reconnect with others, I picked up the phone…okay, I emailed, a blogging friend that I met this summer and invited her and her husband over for dinner last Friday night (a week ago). (You might remember that I met Melinda from Country Dreaming for lunch one day last summer.) We had the nicest time with Melinda and Ken and I can’t wait to get together again!
Good grief…nothing like seeing yourself in a frumpy sweater with bad roots to make you shake off those baby blues (well, I really don’t have any baby blues, more like baby euphoria, but I must admit that I haven’t been the best about keeping on top of the hair and fashion)!
The next day, Mimi & Papa traveled to Kansas City from St. Louis. We were so excited to see them. My parents had not seen Luke since the weekend that he was born. And you know how quickly those little ones change!
Did I mention that Luke is ALL about the SMILES? This sweet pea started smiling waaaay sooner than my other two. He is also very verbal…lots of cooing! He is 9-weeks old today. Time stops for no one!
In the meantime, this little one has been working on growing her hair long since, oh, I don’t know..BIRTH! She wants long locks so badly, but was not blessed with greatest of hair. I will say this, she is definitely a Scandinavian flaxen-haired beauty…she just didn’t get thickness or strength in those locks! REGARDLESS…I think we’ve finally arrived…HELLO LONG HAIR!
My success to finally getting her hair to grow out?…keeping her bangs short and NOT shampooing it every day. Frankly, I think it is only here in America that we shampoo our hair every day! So, I stopped doing that and lo and behold…we’ve got length. She is loving it, even if we do put it up in a ponytail or bun every day.
Speaking of which, on Saturday, she gets to perform in her first ballet program with her new dance studio. She is totally into demi-plié-ing on anything that will support her weight…stairwell banister, shopping cart, kitchen table, etc. She will be performing a ballet routine to Green Eggs and Ham at the American Girl fashion show to celebrate the recent opening of the newest American Girl store in Kansas City.
Let me just say…Mary Catherine does not know about American Girl dolls…yet. *gulp*
So that’s about it. I’ve been busy playing supermom, superfriend, and superdaughter! LOL Mary has been busy learning sight words and has taken off with reading. Ben has been busy with cars, trucks, and Fisher Price Little People (yes, I realize that there’s been a recall…like with 11 million products floating around out there, I’ve got to own one or two!); and Luke has been busy eating, sleeping, and eating! :)
Be sure to come back for a visit tomorrow. I was lucky enough to win Melinda's blogging anniversary give-away in late July/August (it’s all a blur) and I have to show you my winnings! Fun stuff!!!

You have been busy! I can't believe how fast Luke is growing! He looks so much more alert in these pictures and I have to tell you the second picture of him makes the Auntie in me want to kiss the heck out of that sweet baby neck!
ReplyDeleteThey all look so beautiful in their picture together. Enjoy them while they're little and have a great weekend!
Wow the kiddos are BEAUTIFUL!
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to hear an update from you, sweet blogger friend! :)
2 months!?!? Just crazy! Look how chunky he's getting! He's just so cute.
ReplyDeleteHow awesome you met a blog friend again! And you look GREAT! Not frumpy at all!