I'm Back!

Dear Readers,

I feel like I have been gone forever!  Two and half weeks can feel that way...

My computer was sick.  Very, very sick.  :(

Somehow, somewhere I managed to infect my computer with a/some nasty virus(es).  Awful, terrible things were popping up in windows on my computer.  It was all very disturbing.

Fortunately, my husband "knows" people in the IT department of his part-time job, and they agreed to work on my computer...for free! 

I am happy to report that I am back up and running.

Now, I just have to reinstall Picasa...for some reason, that was one of the things that "disappeared" one day when I turned on my system.  Fortunately, we regularly back up our files, including pictures, with an off-site program.  Whew!

Now, to get my blog banner changed and get some posts drafted!

Be back soon,


  1. Welcome Back! Have a blessed rest of the week!

  2. Glad to see you!

    Those viruses can be really nasty. Glad you were able to get it fixed.



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