We Interrupt This "Back to School" Week...

... with a COVID POSITIVE diagnosis.

In case you were wondering...yes, Covid is still around and has been quietly rearing its ugly head!

In fact, three out of four of us have tested positive this week.  The fourth family member has the exact same symptoms...he just refuses to self-swab.  LOL  

I'm fairly certain we contracted COVID via one of the flights or airports we traveled through when returning home from our fabulous summer vacation last Sunday. 

Unfortunately, I just started a new job last week.  I literally had to call in sick my first week of work.  (They were very gracious!)

So much exciting news to share, but I am exhausted just from sitting up and typing.  This is my 2nd experience with Covid...and it feels as bad as it did in 2022.  Hopefully, I will be back at school on Monday when teachers return for the start of the 24-25 school year.

I can't wait to tell you all about my new job!


  1. Take care and feel better. Looking forward to your new job news.


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