Luke the Baseball Lover

"Worrying about things you can't control is a waste both on the baseball field
and in life."
~Stephen King~

This kid is my favorite 1st Baseman and Right Fielder!    

And this year, his "at bat" is doing pretty good too. 

 Although he likes to correct me on technicality (I didn't get a hit because I didn't get to base.), moms don't really care.  :)

The season is young and Luke is already connecting with the ball.  

A new league and team has renewed his love for the sport!  He was ready to walk away forever and I just wasn't ready to see him give up his love for the sport.  (He keeps thanking me for not letting him quit! Moms know their kids.)

I love to play baseball. I’m a baseball player. I’ve always been a baseball player. I’m still a baseball player. That’s who I am.” 
  • ~Ryne Sandberg~


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