Happy New Year!

We have felt a bit melancholic this holiday season.  It was my children’s first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve without their father.  Although the past 5 years has looked like shared holiday time split between Chris and me, the kids knew that there would be joyful holiday celebrations experienced at both parental homes.  

But not this year. 

Still, I worked hard to make Christmas feel magical this year.  

And today, 365 days lay before us fresh as a new fallen snow.  Which is exactly what we got here in the middle of the Heartland. In fact, our New Year’s Eve snowstorm hasn’t finished. 

Mother Nature has provided us the perfect metaphor for starting 2021! 

If I have any sort of social media resolution it’s to FB less and blog/Instagram more.  Less drama (not that I post any or stir up controversy), and more simple beauty through images.  I hope to pick up a camera more and my phone less. To write more and overthink less.  

And to renew old friendships with many of you!  

Happy New Year, Friends,   

Cheers to 2021


  1. So enjoyed your post and the Anne Frank quote and to see you back in Blogland. Wishes for a happy and especially a healthy year ahead.


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