NieNie is Back

Those of you that are closest to me, know that I have become addicted to the blogging world! There are lots of blogs out there, but the particular blogs that I read and follow are family centered or focused on doing crafty things (digital scrapbooking, making cupcakes, home decorating, etc.)

In the Fall, as I was lurking on other blogs (as I know people do to mine) I kept seeing these "I read Nie Nie" buttons. At first, I just ignored them. But then, an odd thing happened. I saw this segment on the Today show about a woman who, along with her husband and his flight instructor, were involved in a private plane crash. Stephanie Nielson (NieNie) was burned over 80% over her body, her husband over 35%, and their beloved flight instructor was killed.

When the segment aired it showed the most remarkable extended family who had rallied around their sister and brother-in-law to be at their side and "adopt" their 4 young children. All of a sudden it clicked, the "I read Nie Nie" button was about reading Stephanie Nielson's blog, which had already developed quite a following even before the horrific plane crash.

Since that time, bloggers have rallied around this most crafty, organic, amazing mother who wears her faith on her sleeve. Nie Nie is Mormon. She professes a deep faith in God, family and the simple things in life. In a way, I feel like she does for stay at home moms what Martha Stewart did for home decorating in the 90s! Nie Nie makes me want to be a better Catholic, a better wife, a better mother. In general, a better person.

So, to all of you who are wondering, why I have an "I read Nie Nie" button on my you know. Go ahead. Click on it. Delve into her archives and be prepared to be touched by a most amazingly strong and peaceful spirit among us bloggers.


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